Tuesday, September 15, 2009

12 September 2009: "Authentic Alt Worth Blogging About."

This post is about legitimation crisis. Crisis, of course, in the social-scientific sense, as a normative concept implying an inherent destablilizing force in the structure of ordered concepts themselves. The definition of "authentic", of "alt", the oppositions used to secure their meanings as the gale-force winds of dialectical change gust through the superstructure. Social integration is the chip on the table as the roulette wheel of semiotics spins. As Carles declares, "as internet-centric humans, we are in a neverending search for ‘the best way 2 express ourselves’ via the internet." The quest is never-ending because the socially ratified meanings are always in the process of simplifying themselves, encrusting meanings around a kernel concept that becomes loaded with ambiguous and contradictory implications. The introduction of social networking capacity through mass reciprocal electronic communications has only accelerated this process of continual change. In the process, Einlösbarkeit is forfeited.

In such conditions, individual identity is provisional and the desire to end that provisionality perpetual: Some, Carles, notes, will search for an escape through a return to the sensual, to the body:
Just want 2 put on my most authentic outfits
show the world who I am
free spirited, open 2 new ideas and life experiences
and get my dance on

In the freedom of movement and the rituals of vanity is an abortive effort at self-legitimation, though the paradox is that the mirror can never recognize you. All efforts at vanity imply the Other who threatens always with psychic annihilation.

Alternatively, one can fall back on the traditional mode of legitimation in capitalist society: money: "Do u plan on making ‘tons of ad revenue’ via Google Adsense Ads?" Carles asks, neatly knitting the pervasiveness of marketing, the machinations of the world's largest corporation, and the aspirations of millions of atomized individuals lost in anomie. Under capitalism, authenticity is ultimately married to the cash nexus.


  1. good gawd, man! no wonder there are never any responses to your posts. my vocabulary is hardly sufficient to follow your bouncing ball, but i'm still trying to sing along...

  2. Rob, I deeply appreciate your analysis of HRO. Believe it or not, you have influenced my world-view significantly. I don't want to impose upon you statements like "keep it up!" or "don't stop," because that is obviously your decision. However, if you do indeed continue this blog, you will have at least one loyal reader.
