Tuesday, February 17, 2009

16 February 2009: "What do Poppers feel like?"

This post is about the limits of sensation, the corporeal boundaries on mental experience, and how these impinge on our liberty. Carles seizes upon the resurgence of amyl nitrate usage to question how the boundaries of the social curtail our opportunities to experience liberatory jouissance; he remarks that the drug "makes u feel free for 1 or 2 seconds." Implicit in the observation is a challenge. Constituted how we are by the current matrix of socieconomic and cultural forces, could we tolerate freedom for any duration? Are two seconds all we could stand before we collapsed into habits of unfreedom?

Carles also challenges dualist dichotomies of mind and substance, speculating that "if u do too many poppers, ur brain will start to come out of ur nose." Like Hegel, Carles ambitiously imagines the Mind as infinite in its capabilities, bounded by no contingency, destined to realize itself in full through the subsumption of experience in all its variegated forms, making our philosophical mission into the destiny of transcending history itself: "Want to ‘feel’ every possible feeling on Earth before I die."

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